Medical Education and Training (MET)

The MET data is presented below within a series of Dashboards and Table Builders to increase flexibility and allow the creation of individual tables.

The Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand project the expected number of medical students to graduate from Australian Universities. These projected estimates are based on enrolment counts with no adjustment for attrition applied.

For further information on the data collected and access to historical MET reports please view the MET information page

To view Medical Education and Training dashboards

  1. Select a topic from the drop down menu below
  2. Select from University, Pre-vocational, Vocational, International, or Special purpose training programs
  3. For University and Vocational Training : select Topic 1 and Topic 2 and select Show by variables to create a table
  4. For Pre-vocational, International and Special purpose training programs, select from pre-built tables